

  • Animal ID


  • Breed


  • Age

    1 year

  • Size

    10 pounds

  • Sex


  • Housetrained


  • Declawed


  • Location

    Louisiana SPCA

  • Intake Date


  • Adoption Price


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Hello, I'm Luna, your soon-to-be magical companion. I wasn't always a shelter cat. Once, I lived in a realm of enchantment, filled with glittering butterflies and floating lily pads. One day, a mischievous sprite cast a spell on me, turning me into a cat and whisking me away to your world. I'm mellow, cuddly, and smart. I'll be your loyal friend, always there to listen to your day, offering a comforting purr in return. I'm friendly, too, always ready to greet your guests with a gentle rub. My past may be magical, but my future could be even more enchanting with you. Adopt me, and together we'll create our own magical story.

In Louisiana, our pets are a part of our culture as much as anything else. And for more than 130 years, the Louisiana SPCA has been an advocate for all our furry friends across the state. Follow our Lead and show the characters of Louisiana you care by supporting the Louisiana SPCA.

The Louisiana SPCA helped more than 3,000 animals find their forever home in 2020.

Did you know that we’re not affiliated with the ASPCA and rely on local donations?