
Eustace (Underdog in Foster)

  • Animal ID


  • Breed

    Terrier, Pit Bull

  • Age

    2 years 3 months

  • Size

    68 pounds

  • Sex


  • Housetrained


  • Location

    Plaquemines Parish Campus

  • Intake Date


  • Adoption Price


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Eustace is the best boy! Some of his fantastic qualities include:

- Strong lungs: Will notify you of stranger danger but also knows when it's time to be quiet.

- Friendly with both cats and dogs and is especially excited to make new canine friends!

- Independent king: likes to spend time alone, but will come around for a pat on the head

- Ladies man! Eustace loves everyone, but especially women.

- Powerful but gentle jaws: loves chew toys and a snack

- Very well potty trained! Has been in foster for months and has had no accidents

Eustice had a difficult life before coming to the shelter, so he does have some trust issues. He will need patience and time to come around to a new home, but his love is the ultimate reward! If you are interested in meeting Eustace, please email

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